Purple & White Cacao Beans

These are the typical results of our Mother cacao tree pods. Usually a 2 to 1 ratio between purple (typical Lower Amazon Forastero trait) and white beans (more typical trait of Criollo cultivar). Our Theobroma cacao tree is currently in the process of undergoing DNA testing to determine and confirm its genetic identity.
The "Genus Theobroma has 22 species all of which are restricted to tropical America with greatest densities of species in Colombia and Panama. Theobroma bicolor (pataste) and Theobroma speciosum (cacaui) are sometimes used to make a chocolate of inferior quality and seed pulp is eaten. Also Theobroma grandiflorum (capuassu) is prized for its aromatic seed pulp which is used to prepare soft drinks, preserves and candy." (From, "Cacao - Origin, Ecology and Natural History of a Hot Commodity" by Frank Almeda)